The beginning of the year sees the motoring public make their grand pilgramage to the Nations
capital for, what can only be descriped as an experience. Hp Heaven headed north for the 4th
year running to spy what we could, including babes competeing in the Jack Daniels Modeling
contest, beer as well as plenty of alcoholic slurpies and burnouts. Inbetween we caught a
glimpse of what went on inside the Mcguairs pavilion as well as a thorough once over of the
beautiful cars on display. Superchargers aplenty, with V8 muscle everywhere (which made for a
good game of spot the turbo). And to cap it all off someones illegally parked their car and
well they got burnt, and there were even more fireworks overhead.
So sit back and spend the next hour viewing HPHeaven's highlights from Summernats 23.
Duration: 9:46
Watch now!