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That's right, it’s that time of year again when the GP kicks off its first round in Melbourne AUSTRALIA. Whether it's the sound of the F1 cars flying around the track, the V8’s at poll position, live concerts by Powderfinger and Simple Minds or you just want a chance to see this international tour up front and personal then this is the place to be and the definitely best and cheapest way to do it!!

Auto Salon hosts a HIGH-TECH performance Automotive Show on the Golf Course Fairway (that's right people we're back on the golf course) only meters from the back straight. It's a great weekend for everyone to catch up and a good excuse to check out the race. This year, it falls on the 25th - 28th March 2010.
Its a fantastic opportunity for all of us car lovers to bring the Auto Salon Event Series forth and show what we're all about and what we've got to offer. It also gets the year started for all you Victorians as your Auto Salon round hits town on the 28th-29th August 2010 at a new venue for the Auto Salon Show - The Melbourne Show Grounds.

All show and shine competitors receive the following:
* One Official Grand Prix Four Day Accreditation Pass
* One General Admission Four Day Ticket
* The chance to win one of the 15 trophies awarded in various categories
* It will also give you access to see 'Powderfinger' live in concert on Saturday night and ‘ Simple Minds’ live in concert on Sunday night. (General Admission Area Access Only)
That's over $400.00 worth of value for less than 1/2 price!!
Entry costs $160 for a private car or $140 if you are a club and have 6 or more cars attending. As a bonus, interstate competitors get discounted entry at $100.00. No matter how you look at it that's a saving and even more reasons to come along.
Cars will need to be at the venue on Wednesday 24th March and must remain at the Auto Salon Stand until Sunday 29th March (7:30pm).
The entry form can be downloaded here.
However due to the short notice we ask you to please fill in and RETURN ASAP to ENSURE PARTICIPATION as there are limited spots available.
Each applicant must email competitors@autosalon.com.au a digital photograph that will appear on their Credential pass, details of this can be found on the entry form. If you do not submit a photo you application will not be accepted. If you have already had your photograph taken for a previous AGPC Event (I.e. Within the last five years), you are not be required to resubmit your photograph.

Kind Regards,
HPheaven.com.au |
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